Apr 28, 2021
"I know what you've got. You've got a gateway to hell under your house. And that is really cool.”
For those who cherish Disney, worship at the altar of Spielberg, love nothing more than immersing themselves into the world of Studio Ghibli, let us introduce you to Not Just For Kids. This is the podcast that revisits the films we cherished growing up, be they family films or something we maybe shouldn’t have been watching.
This week fellow podcaster Chloe Davies returns for another addition of ‘This ain’t a miss, it’s a masterpiece’ as we dive into a pair of Joe Dante films - Looney Tunes: Back in Action and The Hole.
And stick around the the end for the trailer for the next season of Not Just For Kids.
Email us: notjustforkidspodcast@gmail.com
Tweet or Instagram us: @adultstoopod
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Follow Chloe (@chloedav196) on Twitter.